Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Orthoptera
Family: Rhaphidophoridae
Genus: Talitropsis
Species: sedilloti

Binomial Name: Talitropsis sedilloti
Common Name: Cave Weta

New Zealand Bio Status: Native Endemic
NZ Conservation Status: Not Threatened

Talitropsis sedilloti, commonly called a cave weta, is a species of weta that is endemic to New Zealand. Adults have a body length of about 18mm and the female has a sabre-like ovipositor that's about 14mm long. Adults are shiny, and pale orangy brown in colour. Young instars are darker in colour with a more prominent pale yellow diamond on the dorsal abdominal surface. The antennae are long, and can reach several times the body length. The hind tibiae bear rows of prominent spines along most of their length. Most other Tokoriro (Cave Weta) either have no spines or very fine spines.

Talitropsis sedilloti occurs in forest and bush throughout New Zealand, except in some drier eastern areas. It is the cave weta most frequently found in tree holes.
Cave Weta (Male)
Cave Weta (Male)
Image: 20141004-0112